The Importance of a Trauma-Informed Child Welfare System

Series Title: Issue Briefs
Author(s): Information Gateway
Year Published: 2020
File Size: 413 KB
This issue brief discusses the importance of cultivating a child welfare system that recognizes and responds appropriately to trauma. After providing a brief overview of trauma and its effects, the brief explores steps that are involved in transitioning to a trauma-informed system and features examples from State and local programs incorporating trauma-informed practice. The brief concludes by highlighting how cross-system collaborations can help promote trauma-informed child welfare practice.
Acknowledgment(s): This issue brief was developed by Child Welfare Information Gateway with valuable input from George Ake, Melinda Baldwin, Mellicent Blythe, Pamela Cornwell, James Henry, Jason Lang, Susana Mariscal, Kelly McCauley, John McMahon, Heather Pane Seifert, Jessica Strolin-Goltz, and Marc Winokur.
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