A stable workforce is essential for a successful child welfare system. When jurisdictions recruit and maintain a staff of qualified and committed child welfare professionals, families can receive the high-quality, equitable supports and services they need to thrive. In addition, a diverse staff that understands the needs of the families they are serving is important.

Stability is crucial in a system where families rely upon child welfare professionals and other service providers for information and support. However, many agencies face challenges recruiting and retaining qualified and committed caseworkers, supervisors, and administrative staff. This worker turnover and lack of continuity can impact a family’s relationship with the child welfare agency and safety, permanency, and well-being outcomes. Workforce supports such as providing mentoring and coaching or offering opportunities for professional development, can be used to improve retention and help staff feel well-prepared. Other community-based, family-serving programs can bolster the child welfare workforce by sharing collective responsibility for children and families.

Explore the pages in this section to learn about recruiting and supporting stable child welfare workforces, training and supporting workers, and addressing issues related to recruitment, workloads, and turnover.  

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