Evidence-based practices (EBPs) are shown to be effective based on rigorous evaluations and factor in the expertise of child welfare professionals and the characteristics, culture, and preferences of those the practice will support.  

Agencies should select EBPs intended for the specific issues and characteristics of the population they are seeking to assist. What works in one community or situation may be different from the right selection for another. Engaging families and youth who will be involved in the practice is essential and can help determine if and how an EBP should be adapted to fit community needs.

States, Tribes, and Territories that use programs designed to support families and prevent children and youth from entering foster care and that are rated as having specified evidence standards by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse may be eligible for reimbursement for those expenditures.

Even if a practice is designated as an EBP, agencies should monitor and evaluate their efforts to determine if the practice is being applied with fidelity, achieving desired outcomes, and continuing to meet community needs.  

Review these resources to learn how the selection and use of EBPs can improve your agency's practice. 

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