Effective management and supervision is essential for creating quality, culturally responsive services for families, reducing employee stress, and facilitating worker retention. Supervisors' administrative, educational, and supportive responsibilities impact practice quality and positive family outcomes.

Supervisors play a critical role in helping families thrive. By promoting strength-based, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed approaches to working with families, they can help create a supportive environment.

Supervisors also have several policy-driven requirements and responsibilities. Blending supervision's technical and supportive components can establish an environment that truly supports families and caseworkers.

Supervisors support caseworkers by creating a safe space to manage the secondary trauma they may experience, and provide training opportunities to continue building their skills. Positive relationships between supervisors and caseworkers can serve as a model for how caseworkers can establish a collaborative partnership with the children and families they serve.

Managers, supervisors, and administrators can use the resources below to develop effective leadership skills and build a skilled workforce.

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Can’t find what you need in the filtered results? Try searching our Library catalog to access a large selection of peer-reviewed journal articles, evaluation reports, Children’s Bureau grant materials, research studies, and more.