Partnering With Relatives to Promote Reunification

Series Title: Factsheets for Families
Author(s): Information Gateway
Year Published: 2020
File Size: 354 KB
Download Publication Partnering With Relatives to Promote Reunification (PDF 354 KB)This factsheet shares stories and advice from caregivers and birth parents who have experienced kinship care on the importance of maintaining boundaries, managing family dynamics, building trust, positive parenting and communication, and securing support. Relative caregivers may face certain challenges when caring for a family member's children. A better understanding of how to maintain boundaries and respond to the birth parents' needs and concerns can help kinship caregivers improve reunification odds and long-term outcomes.
This publication is also available in Spanish.
Acknowledgment(s): This product was developed with assistance from Alison Caliendo of Foster Kinship, Las Vegas, NV, and Jaia Peterson Lent of Generations United, Washington, DC, who helped connect us with the featured kinship caregivers and parents.
This material may be freely reproduced and distributed. However, when doing so, please credit Child Welfare Information Gateway.