Data systems, evaluation, and continuous quality improvement (CQI) are essential components to assist child welfare systems in sustaining effective practices or modifying or ceasing practices that are not achieving their expected outcomes. These processes can also aid child welfare systems in measuring and addressing disproportionality and disparate outcomes.  

Planning and implementing these data collection and review processes, including the use of technology, should be a team approach. Leadership, data, and evaluation staff should authentically involve those served by the agency, including youth, parents, and foster and kin caregivers; other child welfare and partner agency staff; and other individuals and organizations in the community. Data-sharing across agencies can be greatly beneficial to comprehensive reviews of the availability and effectiveness of family supports.  

The Children's Bureau within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services contributes to child welfare oversight and improvement through a wide range of initiatives, including the following:

Discover how you can review and improve child welfare practice through data collection, evaluation, CQI, and more with the resources on this page. 

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